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Refactor Any Curried Function with Only Two Basic Functions in Typescript (or Any Language)

Suppose you have a curried function that takes four arguments, for example:

const getPaymentAmount =
  (price: number) =>
  (quantity: number) =>
  (discount: number) =>
  (taxRate: number): number =>
    (price * quantity - discount) * (1 + taxRate)

assert.deepStrictEqual(getPaymentAmount(10)(2)(5)(0.2), 18)

Often, a programmer would want to extend this getPaymentAmount function without modifying it. For example, one may want to produce a new function:

  • with a fixed discount: by moving the third argument discount to the top level, so one can partially apply it away; or
  • that accepts an argument of another type: by changing the type of the fourth argument taxRate from number to string.

A naive way would be to wrap around the function with a new function like so:

const getPaymentAmountWrapped =
  (/* moved to top level */ discount: number) =>
  (price: number) =>
  (quantity: number) =>
  (taxRate: /* changed from number to */ string) =>

const getPaymentAmountNoDiscount = getPaymentAmountWrapped(0)

assert.deepStrictEqual(getPaymentAmountNoDiscount(10)(2)('0.2'), 24)

Though it works, the code is very redundant. The programmer has to repeat the same boilerplate wrapping everytime in similar situations.

Is there a way to refactor and/or extend any curried function in a generic, concise, and mechanical way?

The answer is yes.

You can find all the code in this post and play around with them at Typescript Playground.

compose and flip

Let's quickly go over two basic and commonly used functions in functional programming languages such as Haskell.


compose combines two functions and outputs a new one.

If you have a function f :: b -> c and a function g :: a -> b, then you can get a new function h :: a -> c by composing f and g.

In Haskell, it is written tersely as:

compose :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
compose f g = \x -> f (g x)

In Typescript, it looks a bit more verbose:

const compose =
  <B, C>(f: (b: B) => C) =>
  <A>(g: (a: A) => B) =>
  (a: A): C =>

const f = (x: number): string => x.toString()
const g = (b: boolean): number => (b ? 1 : 0)
const h: (b: boolean) => string = compose(f)(g)

assert.deepStrictEqual(h(true), '1')


flip swaps the first argument and the second argument of a function:

flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip f a b =  f b a

In Typescript :-

const flip =
  <A, B, C>(f: (a: A) => (b: B) => C) =>
  (b: B) =>
  (a: A) =>

const concat = (x: string) => (y: string) => x + y

assert.deepStrictEqual(flip(concat)('left')('right'), 'rightleft')

Swap Any Arguments at Any Level

Here comes the fun part.

If we want to swap the first and the second arguments of any function, we can apply flip :-

const _1234 = (_1: string) => (_2: string) => (_3: string) => (_4: string) => _1 + _2 + _3 + _4

const _2134 = flip(_1234)

assert.deepStrictEqual(_2134('2')('1')('3')('4'), '1234')

But what if we want to swap the second _2 and the third _3 arguments? We will need to apply flip to the result of the outermost function.

Semantic Editor Combinators

Semantic editor combinators ("SEC") is a term coined by Conal Elliot. It describes an alternative way to interpret, inter alia, compose and flip.

The compose function, under the lens of SEC, has the effect of getting the result out of a function, when viewing compose as unary instead of binary.

The best way to gain some intuitions is to see its effects.

First, let's rename compose with a more intuitive label:

const result = compose

Then, to swap the second _2 and the third _3 arguments, we can compose flip with result :-

const flip2_3: Flip2_3 = result(flip)
const _1324 = flip2_3(_1234)

assert.deepStrictEqual(_1324('1')('3')('2')('4'), '1234')

Note: For readability, I omitted some typings from the code snippets. You can find them in the Typescript Playground link above.

Note that we need to spell out the type Flip2_3 for Typescript. This is because, unfortunately, Typescript's type system could not infer the type for us (vs Haskell, which does).

One naturally wonders if the third argument _3 and the fourth argument _4 could similarly be swapped. Indeed we can, we just need to apply result one more time!

const flip3_4: Flip3_4 = result(result(flip))
const _1243 = flip3_4(_1234)

assert.deepStrictEqual(_1243('1')('2')('4')('3'), '1234')

In fact, you can go crazy and create functions that swap arguments at arbitrarily deep nested level:

const flip6_7: Flip6_7 = result(result(result(result(result(flip)))))

One can easily build an arsenal of these functions and export them as a library.


Back to our original example: to move the argument discount to the top, we can do so mechanically:

const _getPaymentAmount = flip(flip2_3(getPaymentAmount))
const _getPaymentAmountNoDiscount = _getPaymentAmount(0)

assert.deepStrictEqual(_getPaymentAmountNoDiscount(10)(2)(0.2), 24)

Alter any arguments at any level

Let's take a step further.

Instead of swapping arguments, what if we want to alter the arguments? In our example above, we want to convert taxRate from string to number before feeding it to the getPaymentAmount function.

First, note that if we apply flip to compose, the result is precompose :-

precompose :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
precompose = flip compose

In Typescript :-

const precompose = flip(compose) as Precompose

As a dual with result a.k.a compose, we can think of precompose as returning thearguments

const argumnts = precompose

Again we can create arbitrarily deep level as we want:

const argumnts2: Argumnts2 = (x) => result(argumnts(x))
const argumnts4: Argumnts4 = (x) => result(result(result(argumnts(x))))

const sum4 = (a: number) => (b: number) => (c: number) => (d: number) => a + b + c + d
const sum4WithString = argumnts4(parseInt)(sum4)

assert.deepStrictEqual(sum4WithString(1)(2)(3)('4'), 10)

Note that we changed the fourth argument of the sum4 function from number to string by just precomposing with parseInt!


Ok, back to our initial example. The application is mechanical :-

const _getPaymentAmountWithString = argumnts4(parseFloat)(getPaymentAmount)

assert.deepStrictEqual(_getPaymentAmountWithString(10)(2)(5)('0.2'), 18)

The fourth argument taxRate now takes a string instead of a number, as promised.


We covered a lot of grounds.

With two basic functions compose and flip, we can generate a bunch of functions that swap and/or alter arguments at any level, for any curried function. In addition, this approach comes with the following benefits:

  • Purely functional: this means that it comes with all the benefits of FP: referential transparency, testability, conciseness, etc.
  • Generic & mechanical: as mentioned above, one could write a bunch of these functions and export them as a library. Then, it can be applied anywhere.
  • Universal: finally, since the underlying mechanics is "just maths", it is applicable to any programming languages, not just Typescript.